Mislibaev I. T., Tukhtashev A. B., Giiazov O. M., Soliev B. Z. – Navoiy State Mining Institute, Navoiy, Republic of
Uzbekistan. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rock massif strain waves impulse exposure time changing investigations are fulfilled depending on positive and negative
amplitude phase when blasting downhole explosive charges (EC) with various stemming constructions. It is stated that
the beginning of rock massif strain waves negative amplitude phase is equal 8, 9.5 and 12 ms for construction with
passive, compensatory and active downhole EC stemming correspondingly. Changing dependences of rock massifs
weakness zones sizes are examined, created by physical method with the use of a blast from downhole EC with various
stemming constructions. It is stated that with the use of various stemming constructions massif weakness zones sizes
change. Thus, with the use of passive, active and compensatory stemming in downhole EC the radius of massif weakness
zone along the upper face of a charge constitutes 6.5, 7 and 8 m correspondingly under downhole EC diameter 125 mm.
Under the well diameter 214 mm, massif weakness zone radius along the upper face of a charge constitutes 11, 12 and
12.5 m for passive, active and compensatory downhole EC stemming correspondingly.
Key words: blasting operations; rock massif blasting weakness; blasting operations parameters; passive stemming; active
stemming; compensatory stemming; weakness zones sizes; massif rock jointing.
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