Kolesnikova L. A., Filin A. E. – National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, the Russian Federation.
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Current industrial development presupposes application of high-capacity machines, equipment, workflows control and
tracking systems, workflow parameters control; it raises the portion of psychological impacts on workers and requires the
realization of human higher psychical functions – memory, thinking, attention, fast error-free decision making, right
reactions on any kind of information. At modern mining enterprises more than half of all emergencies happens because
of workers wrong actions, which are connected with failure of psychophysiological regularities of their activity and
behavior. The article examines psychological aspects of human safety in the sphere of labour protection; main reasons
for emergencies in mining industry are revealed, which lead to human wrong actions; the problems of collective
psychology, inactive and non-critical thinking and their influence on the quantity of emergencies at mining enterprises in
the Russian Federation.
Key words: labour protection; human safety; psychological stability; emergency; safety rules observance.
32 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 4, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
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