Dyrdin V. V., Fofanov A. A., Smirnov V. G., Diagileva A. V. – Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo,
the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deformations of the main roof near the face of stope are examined with the account of torque, which develops because of a piece
of the main roof hanging over the mined-out area and affecting the marginal zone of the coal bed and enclosing rocks. The shape
of curvature of the piece of the main roof hanging over the mined-out area is calculated, together with the profile of the main roof
deformation in the marginal zone of the coal bed in front of the face of stope. It is shown that in front of the zone of stresses
concentration there may appear the zone, where the shifts of the main roof are directed upward, i.e. they are opposite to the shifts
of the hanging end of the main roof, which is determined by the torque of forces. There appears the zone of unloading, where
together with the other factors, such as gas content and local disturbance of a coal bed, the generation of “gas pocket” is
possible – the zone with increased possibility of hazardous gas-dynamic phenomena development. The present estimations
allow detecting the location of the given area, as well as the size of the additional unloading within it.
Key words: methane of coal beds; difficult-to-control roof; modeling; elastic deformations; gas-dynamic phenomena; gas
content; marginal zone.
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