

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Orlov A. O., Smirnov Iu. G., Gusak S. A. – Mining Institute KSC RAS, Apatites, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The paper presents a legislative and regulating basis of relations in the field of the use of nuclear energy. The authors
indicate the general principles of safe construction of underground complexes for small nuclear power plants in the Arctic
regions. The authors consider main methodological principles regarding construction of underground complexes
for nuclear power plants, requirements for deployment, the structure of security systems and multilevel protection of an
underground complex. It has been shown that construction of underground complexes of small nuclear power plants is
possible provided that it is environmentally compatible with enclosing rock mass and construction technology. Such
compatibility is based on the development of specific solutions for engineering environmental protection during
38 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 5, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
the construction and operation phase. Some requirements to a hard rock massif are represented, which serves as the
main protective element in underground small nuclear power plant; they come to the fact that enclosing rock massif must
be completely used as the main protective barrier and characterized by the unity of geological structure, low hydrogeological
and gas permeability. The realization of the conception of the use of protective and insulating properties of rock massif
when combined with engineering barriers will make it possible to ensure complex safety of radiation hazardous site and
effectively solve the problems of physical protection from the impact of technogenic and natural character. The results
of the investigations have shown that efficient exploitation of underground complexes of small nuclear power plants is
possible provided that the single technical system “underground construction – massif of enclosing rock” is created.
Key words: small nuclear power plant; underground complex; safe construction; hard rock massif.
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