Kharisov T. F. – Institute of Mining of Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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This work presents the results of the investigations of the formation of rock pressure on the support in the borehole zone
in conditions of the rock massif transition to the out-of-limit state. The investigations are carried out by methods of field
measurements of deformations of the surrounding rock massif in the borehole zone, on the measurement bases
corresponding to the excavation section parameters in the process of the combined flowsheet construction of the mine
shaft in the rock massif in the out-of-limit stress-strain state. On the basis of experimental measurements with the help of
a computer program for the formation of functional-factorial equations of nonlinear regression "Trends FSP-1",
the mathematical model describing the change in the absolute deformations of rock walls with the face advancement is
derived. From the resulting mathematical model of deformation the exponential dependence of the coefficient,
characterizing convergence processes, on the ratio of the distance from the face to the radius of the excavation is derived.
The resulting values of the coefficient in conditions of the out-of-limit stress-strain state of the enclosing massif differ
significantly from the values obtained previously for the elastic behavior of rocks.
Key words: deformations; enclosing massif; ultimate strength; construction of a mine shaft; face displacement;
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