Kozin V. Z., Komlev A. S., Vodovozov K. A. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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Indices of technological balance are calculated by the results of sampling. Sampling is carried out with errors; it conditions
on balance indices errors. It has been shown that products separation contrast ratios in technological operations also
ISSN 0536-1028 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 5, 2017 79
influence the output, extraction, and component mass calculating errors. Under low contrast ratio the calculation of
technological balance is carried out with raw errors, it leads to uncertain estimates of the situation at the factories. Real
separation contrast ratios at the copper-zinc factory are introduced. For the majority of operations separation contrast
ratios are within the limits of 1.1–2.0 but for the whole factory in general the contrast ratios for copper are equal to 7.0 and
7.4, for zinc – 16.0 and 5.4. The diagrams of determination of calculation errors depending on the contrast ratios are
introduced. Under the contrast ratios lower that 2 dependences rise sharply, it requires improving the quality of sampling
of input products in separate operations and factories as a whole.
Key words: technological balance indices; sampling errors; separation contrast ratios.
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