

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Klepko V. L., Konovalov V. E. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article is dedicated to Nikolai Georgievich Kell’, the distinguished scholar, the founder of important sections of geodesy (the creation of coordinate foundation for the performance of surveying and photogrammetry), the outstanding organizer of educational process of higher education in the Urals at the Ural Mining Institute, where he founded the Department of Geodesy in 1917, and from 1919 to 1921 was a rector, and in Petrograd (Leningrad), where he led the Department of Geodesy from 1922 to 1953.

Key words: the Ural Mining Institute; the Department of Geodesy; outstanding scholar-surveyor; Kamchatka expedition; photogrammetry.

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Ekaterinburg, UrSMU Publ., 2014. 684 p.
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4. Kell' N. G. Izbrannye trudy [Selected works]. Moscow, Nedra Publ., 1964. 311 p.
5. Kell' N. G. Fotografiia i fotogrammetriia [Photography and photogrammetry]. Leningrad, Moscow, ONTI Publ.,
1937. 355 p.
6. Aerofotos"emka – metod izucheniia prirodnoi sredy: sb. statei. Otv. red. B. N. Mozhaev [Collection of articles “Aerial
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190 p.
7. Kell' N. G. Graficheskii metod v deistviiakh s pogreshnostiami i polozheniiami [Graphic methods when dealing with
faults and locations]. Moscow, AS USSR Publ., 1948. 236 p.
8. Kell' N. G. Vysshaia geodeziia i geodezicheskie raboty [Higher geodesy and geodetic survey]. Leningrad, Moscow,
Novosib. gos. gornoe izd-vo Publ., Pt. 1, 1932. 483 p., Pt. II, 1933. 507 p.



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