

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Tagil'tsev S. N., Kibanova T. N. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Geodynamic (tectonic) stress state of the upper part of the earth crust is manifested by the presence of the main normal
stresses, which, as a rule, exceed geostatic stresses from the rock weight. Extension zones form sections with the lower
bearing capacities in geological strata. From the perspective of hydrogeology, sections of extension are the most waterbearing;
they contribute to the formation of high filtration properties at the local section of rock massif. In the Urals, in case
of shears intersecting, extension zones usually occur in the northern and southern sectors, whereas the compression
zones, correspondingly, in the western and eastern sectors. In the field of modern tectonic stresses under the intersection
of multidirectional faults and the faults of various kinematic type, the zones of extension and compression may occur,
which should be studied to estimate the safety of the buildings and structures construction and exploitation, as well as to
search for the sections with higher filtration properties in rock massif for water supply. Modern fulfillment of the complex of
geophysical, geodetic, and hydrogeomechanical investigations at the stage of pioneering or at the initial operating period,
makes it possible to reveal the reasons for the possible deformations and, perhaps, save a building from destruction.

Key words: hydrogeomechanical structures; extension zones; compression zones; deformation of a building.

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