Ignat'eva M. N., Kubarev M. S. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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The article substantiates the succession of establishing the system of governmental control over the natural resource
management. The first stage is connected with the fragment protection of separate types of plants and animals.
The second stage is characterized by grounding for governmental control over the natural resource management, which
is connected with the decrees of Peter I. The explosion of interest to natural science at the end of the 19th–beginning of
the 20th century lead to the appearance of public interest environmental groups and the creation of private nature
reserves. The third stage (after October 1917 events) – is the next attempt of regulating the process of the natural
resource management at the governmental level. From 1917 to 1925 more than 230 legislative documents about the
natural resource management were published. First special state administrative bodies of ecological orientation emerged.
The fourth stage (1950th–1960th) is related to the problem of protection and rehabilitation of human environment. At the
legislative level, natural resource problems are generally solved. The fifth stage (1960th–1970th) is defined as the stage
of understanding the importance of ecological problems and forming an independent sphere of natural resource
management control. The sixth stage (1970th–1990th) the stage of forming specific instrumentation of management,
creating independent governmental structure. Independent legislative structure is also formed. The seventh stage
(1990th–the beginning of the 21st century) is connected with the activation of ecological activity and the consolidation of
the system of governmental control over the natural resource management. However gradually the influence of the
government declines and the status of the environmental body of the country declines. Now it is referred to the eighth
stage and the necessity for governmental control from the position of the basic positions of biospheric conception.
Key words: governmental control; succession; natural resource management; instrumentation; institutional security.
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