Kubrin S. S., Reshetniak S. N., Ivanov E. S., Degterev V. V. – Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation
of Mineral Resources of RAS (IPKON PAN), Moscow, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Control over the state of the dust environment in the mine workings is currently an urgent task. In this publication
the analysis of coal mine dust control hardware is fulfilled. Currently, there are several ways to determine the mass of the
dust sediment in the conditions of mine workings, they are treated as indirect and direct methods. The study made it
possible to classify methods of measuring the mass of dust sediment by the criterion of measurement error. It should be
noted that the accuracy of indirect methods of measuring the mass of the dust sediment is large enough and can reach
60% in some cases, so the most promising are the methods of direct measurement. These methods include gravity and
radioisotope. The publication discusses the said methods in detail; schematics for the possibility of constructing modern
devices of dust control are introduced.
Key words: dust sediments control; dust mass density measurement; gravitational measurement method; radioisotope
measurement method; software; hardware; wireless data transmission; ZigBee technologies.
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