Academic degree: DSc (Engineering)
Position: Director of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Institute of Mining UB RAS, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Research interests: occupational safety and health
Orcid: 0000-0001-9781-0410
Scopus ID: 57212104775
• Dikiy S. V., Krichigin O. V., Kravchuk I. L., Galkin A. V., Smolin A. V. Formation of risk-oriented thinking among the personnel of coal mining enterprises. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2023; 9: 81–88.
• Artemiev V. B., Ermak G. P., Galkin V. A., Makarov A. M., Kravchuk I. L. The role of the human factor in the origin and prevention of accidents and injuries at the mining enterprises. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2022; 11: 79–84.
• Mazanik I. E., Rays K. A., Kravchuk I. L., Smolin A. V. Management of occupational risk caused by the interaction of coal mining and service enterprises. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2022; 9: 53–61.
• Galkin V. A., Makarov A. M., Kravchuk I. L. Opportunities for cooperation between the state, business and personnel of the mining enterprises in ensuring occupational safety. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2022; 8: 33–40.
• Kilin A. B., Galkin V. A., Makarov A. M., Kravchuk I. L., Peryatinskiy A. Yu. Reliable accident prevention as the basis for productivity and efficiency improvement. Ugol = Coal. 2022; 1: 18–25.