ISSN 0536-1028 (Print) ISSN 2686-9853 (Online) |
УДК 622.5; 622.58 | DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-8-62-71 |
Introduction. The article deals with the research of parameters and characteristics of mine drainage elements for conveying unlit mine water, evaluation of efficiency and rationality of using such transport complexes as loading-delivery machines, scraper winches, wagons for mechanized cleaning of drain sumps from settling and accumulating mine sludge. At present, the solution of this issue is a widespread task for operating services of mining enterprises. At the same time, it is a promising direction for scientific research.
Methods of research. The scientific and practical experience in the field of mining drainage was analyzed and generalized. Mine drain sumps and their principles operation were described. Drain sumps operation working cycle was calculated and described. Operational parameters for a mechanized method of cleaning with transport complexes were calculated. The effectiveness of the measures for cleaning drain sumps using the means of a mechanized complex were calculated and assessed by determining quantitative efficiency indicators in the form of time spent by load-haul machines and transport complexes for cleaning.
Results and analysis. The efficiency of transport complexes was evaluated by calculating the time of their use for non-productive work. The structural scheme of sequential operation of water collectors and the process of their treatment during the calendar time is developed. It is determined that the existing drain sumps currently perform the function of mine water clarification ineffectively. The interrelation of decreasing of operating time of elements of centrifugal drainage pumps and composition of pumped liquid has been established.
Scope of results. The results of the research are recommended for implementation for all enterprises conducting underground mining works with the use of mine drainage, as well as for design institutes designing mine workings.
Keywords: drain sump; transport complex; productive time.
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Introduction. The paper studies of the activities of Uralian ore sleuths from the 17th to 18th century. Ore prospecting in the region at this time developed independently and at the same time as geology and other mining sciences. The phenomenon of ore sleuths is therefore a fundamental premise for understanding the peculiarities of Ural mining culture development.
Research objective is to consider the emergence of the category of entrepreneurs-ore sleuths and ore producers from the peasantry, their legal status development, relations with the state-owned industry and the mining administration.
Methods of research include the concept of diffusionism, one of the components of which is the dissemination and adaptation of basic industrial technologies and, as a consequence, the development of new industrial sectors and socio-economic relations in the agrarian region.
Results. Ore sleuths, as an understudied aspect of the region’s industrial development, have been investigated. They were the first to locate ores and minerals, to discover the most famous deposits. From the second half of the 18th century they focused on the quest for gold. It has been established that since the 1730s some miners became a special legal category of persons who conducted the affairs based on a decree of a central or regional authority. “Honorary” decree on exemption from factory work, communal duties, and military service, giving a freedom of movement was the purpose of ore sleuth status acquisition and a prerequisite for keeping it. The ore sleuth status was not always used for its intended purpose. Ore sleuths often traveled to fairs and handled a business. Edicts and decrees appointing the ore sleuth’s status have been identified. It is shown that ore prospecting in the 17–18th centuries developed independently and at the same time as mining sciences.
Keywords: ore sleuths; the Babins; mining culture; mining; the Urals; 17th century; 18th century.
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УДК 622.788.32 | DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2022-3-7-15 |
For citation: Shishkin E. A., Mikheeva A. A. A roller press parameter selection method taking account of the
briquetted material characteristics. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = Minerals and
Mining Engineering. 2022; 3: 7–15. DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2022-3-7-15
Introduction. Briquetting is an effective way to improve technological, environmental and economic indicators of waste utilization in various industries. Roller presses hold a special place among the aggregates for briquetting materials, since they are characterized by high reliability and productivity, as well as low energy consumption. It is known that the density of the source material conditions the compression force the press rollers apply to the material to obtain briquettes of the required quality. Thus, a press with given design parameters provides the required quality of briquettes in a certain range of the source material densities. However, there is currently no method for selecting the design parameters of a roller press depending on the density of the material to be briquetted. A discrepancy between the source material density and the roller press parameters can either result in the poor-quality of briquettes due to insufficient power, or in the employment of a press with excess capacity. Both alternatives are unacceptable, so the development of a method for choosing the roller press design parameters, depending on the density of the source material, can be considered relevant.
Research objective is to develop a method for selecting the design parameters of a roller press depending on source material density.
Methods of research. The paper considers the roller press pressing zone showing an increased density of the source material. The boundary of the pressing zone is determined by the pressing angle, which depends on the source material density and press roller radius. To determine the pressing angle value, a laboratory method has been developed, which consists in pressing batches of preheated source material in a special form at different force values. The quality indicators of the obtained briquettes are compared with the standard ones, and a briquette with the required values of quality indicators obtained with the least effort is selected. Then, the briquette density and compaction coefficient are determined by hydrostatic weighing. Based on the results obtained, the pressing angle is calculated. The values of the pressing force and the roller rotation resistance moment are obtained by employing the obtained pressing angle value, given roller press design parameters, as well as the pressed material physical and mechanical characteristics. Taking into account the obtained value of the resistance moment, as well as the specified operating speed of rollers rotation, the drive power required to obtain high-quality briquettes from a given source material is determined. Comparison of the calculated capacity and the nameplate capacity of the press indicates whether the considered roller press model can produce high-quality briquettes from the source material with a given density.
Conclusions. The developed method allows to take into account specific production conditions when choosing a roller press model, and, consequently, reduce the expenditures for pressing equipment. The proposed method can also be used when designing new roller press models when determining rational design parameters of rollers.
Keywords: production waste; briquetting; roller press; pressing angle; density; roller radius; pressing force; drive power.
УДК 622.235 | DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-8-92-98 |
The article contains information on the outcome of the 8th scientific and practical conference with international participation, Drilling and Blasting Technology and Safety in Opencasts and Underground Mines of the Urals. The conference was held within the framework of the 9th Ural Mining Forum and URAL MINING’21 Exhibition on the occasion of the Year of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation and the 30th anniversary of the Mining Association of the Ural region at the venues of IEC Ekaterinburg-EXPO and PJSC Uralasbest. The article also recounts the Ural Mining Prize’21 winners heard at the conference of scientific-technical reports and reports on blasting. The seminar at PJSC Uralasbest was summarized. At the seminar, under the guidance of N. A. Chistiakov, the engineer in-chief of Promtekhvzryv, and G. P. Bersenev, CEO of the Ural Blasters Association, tours to the quarry were given, as well as to Poremit which is the first Ural industrial emulsion explosives plant, explosive bulk storage, museum, and training center of the Ural Asbestos Mining and Processing Plant. After the tours, the second part of the conference was actually held at the venue of the plant’s training center. A number of reports were heard at the conference. At the end of the travel seminar, the Ural Blasters Association awarded Promtekhvzryv specialists with certificates of honor and valuable gifts for their service in production activities for improving the drilling and blasting technologies at the enterprise and workplace management at projects related to blasting. In conclusion, the article indicates the decisions adopted at the conference.
Keywords: scientific and practical conference; international participation; Drilling and Blasting Technology and Safety in Opencasts and Underground Mines of the Urals; Ural Mining Forum; Institute of Mining UB RAS; Ural Blasters Association; PJSC Uralasbest; Promtekhvzryv.
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УДК 622.231 | DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2022-3-16-23 |
Azarov E. B. Comparative analysis of experimental research into the effect of lasting selfsynchronization
on a laboratory shaker with three and two vibration exciters. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh
zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = Minerals and Mining Engineering. 2022; 3: 16–23. DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-
Introduction. Vibratory transport machines are widely used in the mining industry and other sectors of production. A more detailed analysis of working body oscillation parameters and vibration exciters self-synchronization is required to design vibratory transport machines with new properties. Vibratory machine dynamics was studied with a mathematical model, which made it possible to discover some interesting phenomena, for example, the effect that the authors called the effect of lasting self-synchronization.
Research objective is to experimentally confi rm the discovered phenomena using a laboratory shaker and assess the degree of these phenomena resistance.
Methods of research. In order to confi rm and carry out the follow-up study of the discovered phenomena, DVM-014 laboratory training facility was designed and manufactured. A set of experiments with two and three vibration exciters were carried out with the help of this facility.
Results. The article presents the results of experiments on detecting the effect of lasting self-synchronization under confi gurations with two and three vibration exciters and this phenomenon resistance to the changing position of the machine’s center of mass. Changes in the machine parameters are also given when either one of the two or two of the three vibration exciters are switched off.
Summary. Several conclusions have been made based on the experimental results. The most important of them in terms of technology is the following. The phenomenon of lasting selfsynchronization, if any, can be useful when there are pauses in the machine loading. It will signifi cantly reduce energy consumption by switching off one or two motors.
Keywords: vibratory transport machines; vibrating screen; self-synchronization; vibration exciter; dynamics; mathematical model.
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