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ISSN 0536-1028 (Print) ISSN 2686-9853 (Online) |
Academic degree: DSc (Engineering)
Position: professor of the Department of Information Technologies, Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Research interests: automation of opencast processes; digital information systems
Scopus ID: 57194022210
• Makarov N. V., Makarov V. N., Ugolnikov A. V., Nosyrev M. B. Parameters justification and highly economical fan installations creation for air cooling devices. Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories. 2022; 14(1): 117–125.
• Makarov N. V., Makarov V. N., Ugolnikov A. V., Nosyrev M. B. Optimization of parameters of fan units of air cooling devices. Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories. 2021;13(3): 433–440.
• Semyachkov A. I., Pochechun V. A., Nosyrev M. B., Semyachkov K. A. Digital economy as a tool for sustainable environmental and economic development. Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories. 2020; 12(1): 171–181.
• Novikov N. V., Nosyrev M. B., Plotnikov N. S., Stroshkov V. P., Kitonsa H. The third dimension of the supply-demand diagram. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. 2020; 318: 365–374.
• Makarov V. N., Makarov N. V., Ugol’nikov A. V., Afanasenko E. P., Nosyrev M. B. Coal dust blast isolation by vortex inertial hydrocoagulation. Journal of Mining Science. 2019; 55(3): 499–504.
Academic degree: DSc (Engineering)
Position: professor of the Department of Mining Mechanical Engineering, Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Research interests: mathematical modeling of nature-like proportionality in aerothermodynamic processes of mining machines; applied scientific research in the field of aerodynamics, thermodynamics, aspiration, vibro-acoustics and design of turbomachines, heat exchangers, and separators using modern engineering computer-aided analysis
Orcid: 0000-0002-3785-5569
• Makarov N. V., Makarov V. N., Ugolnikov A. V., Nosyrev M. B. Optimization of parameters of fan units of air cooling devices. Sustainable development of mountain territories. 2021; 3(3): 433–438. DOI: 10.211777/1998-4502-2021-13-3-433-440
• MAKAROV N. V., MAKAROV V. N., UGOLNIKOV A. V., NOSYREV M. B. Parameters justi cation and highly economical fan installations creation for air cooling devices. Sustainable development of mountain territories. 2022; 1(14): 117–125.
• Makarov V. N., Ugolnikov A. V., Makarov N. V., Boyarskikh G. A. Dust control efficiency improvement. Gornyi zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2022; 8: 62–70. DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2022.08.09
• Makarov V. N., Makarov N. V. Aerodynamic adaptivity criterion in the production methodology of the energy-efficient mine turbomachines. E3S Web Conf. 2020; 177. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202017703004
• Tauger V. M , Lifanov A. V., Makarov V. N., Makarov N. V. Mathematical model modification for stress state of high-speed axial fan blades in mining industry. Gornyi informatsionno-analiticheskii biulleten (nauchno-tekhnicheskii zhurnal) = Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 2019; 9: 184–195. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-10-0-206-213
Academic degree: DSc (Engineering)
Position: Professor, professor of the Department of Mining Machines and
Complexes, Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Research interests: work cycles of open-pit and hydraulic excavators, size reduction equipment, open-pit transport; experimental research in the field of mine, oil and gas, and transport machinery
Orcid: 0000-0002-3828-434X
Scopus ID: 57201374557
• Zhilinkov A. A., Kalyanov A. E., Komissarov A. P., Lagunova Yu. A. Justification of parameters of excavator and car complexes. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin. 2023; 12: 44–55.
• Lagunova Y. A., Khoroshavin S. A., Nabiullin R. S., Kalyanov A. E. Evaluation of metal structures of a mining excavator boom by non-destructive testing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2023; 227–236.
• Komissarov A. P., Lagunova Yu. A., Nabiullin R. Sh., Khoroshavin S. A. Digital model of shovel work process. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin. 2022; 4: 156–168.
• Lagunova Yu. A., Shestakov V. S., Savinova N. V., Mukatov A. R. Effect of increased ball mill feed on steel construction. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin. 2021; 1-11: 171–178.
• Ibraeva N. R., Lagunova Yu. A. Diagnostic engineering of cone crusher drive based on neural networks. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin. 2021; 1-11: 162–170.
Academic degree: DSc (Engineering)
Position: co-founder of Ingortech company, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Research interests: information and intelligent automated systems for ensuring aerological and geodynamic safety of underground mines
• Nedzelskiy A. I., Shnayder I. V., Lapin E. S. Forecasting collapse and monitoring of the main roof current state in working faces of coal mines with shallow seams. Occupational safety in industry. 2021; 4: 13–18.
• Lapin E. S., Abdrakhmanov M. I. Functional approach to deterministic finite-state automata systems dynamic modeling. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2021; 2: 113–122 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-2-113-122
• Lapin E. S., Abdrakhmanov M. I. Formally proving whether the software implementation of models applied in instrumentation and control systems conform to the specified requirements. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2021; 7: 99–108 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-7-99-108
• Pisetskiy V. B., Lapin E. S., Abaturova I. V., Zudilin A. E. Forecasting the structure, stress state parameters and stability of rock mass during construction of underground facility. Gornyi zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2014; 9: 49–51.
• Pisetskiy V. B., Lapin E. S., Aleksandrova A. V., Lapin S. E. Setting down general requirements and practical implementation of the seismic recording system of sudden outbursts and rockbursts control and prediction. Occupational safety in industry. 2013; 12: 49–57.
Academic degree: DSc (Engineering)
Position: Director of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Institute of Mining UB RAS, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Research interests: occupational safety and health
Orcid: 0000-0001-9781-0410
Scopus ID: 57212104775
• Dikiy S. V., Krichigin O. V., Kravchuk I. L., Galkin A. V., Smolin A. V. Formation of risk-oriented thinking among the personnel of coal mining enterprises. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2023; 9: 81–88.
• Artemiev V. B., Ermak G. P., Galkin V. A., Makarov A. M., Kravchuk I. L. The role of the human factor in the origin and prevention of accidents and injuries at the mining enterprises. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2022; 11: 79–84.
• Mazanik I. E., Rays K. A., Kravchuk I. L., Smolin A. V. Management of occupational risk caused by the interaction of coal mining and service enterprises. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2022; 9: 53–61.
• Galkin V. A., Makarov A. M., Kravchuk I. L. Opportunities for cooperation between the state, business and personnel of the mining enterprises in ensuring occupational safety. Bezopasnost` Truda v Promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2022; 8: 33–40.
• Kilin A. B., Galkin V. A., Makarov A. M., Kravchuk I. L., Peryatinskiy A. Yu. Reliable accident prevention as the basis for productivity and efficiency improvement. Ugol = Coal. 2022; 1: 18–25.
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