

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-6-70-80

Prokopiev S. A., Pelevin A. E., Prokopiev E. S., Ivanova K. K. Increasing the integrity of iron-ore raw material use with the help of screw separation. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2019; 6: 70–80 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-6-70-80

Research aims to assess the possibility of using screw separation to increase the integrity of iron-ore raw material utilization by means of obtaining additional concentrate from mill tailings in weak magnetic field of magnetite ore.
Research methodology. Experiments have been carried out in laboratory and semi-industrial conditions with the use of screw slime separators. Source products were the mill tailings in weak magnetic field of hematite-magnetite quartzites, magnetite and titanium magnetite ore.
Research results. In semi-industrial conditions, the possibility has been shown of obtaining the hematite concentrate with 63–66% mass shares of iron ore and 4.6–8.0% silicon dioxide from hematite-magnetite tailings. The output of concentrate to mill tailings is 10–14%. Laboratory research on the application of screw separation and table concentration haven’t allowed obtaining iron or other concentrates from magnetite and titanium magnetite ore tailings. Gravitational dressing of complex magnetite ore tailings has revealed increased content of copper and zinc sulfides in heavy product.
Summary. The use of screw separation in hematite-magnetite quartzites dressing makes it possible to increase the integrity of iron-ore raw material application by means of obtaining hematite concentrate. The use of screw separation should be accepted inadvisable to reduce the loss of iron ore with tailings in skarn magnetite and titanium magnetite ore dressing. Screw separation can be used as a method of complex skarn magnetite ore preliminary dressing to obtain semi-products containing nonferrous metal minerals.
Key words: integrity of raw material utilization; iron ore; mill tailings; screw separation; screw slime separation; hematite concentrate; mass share of iron.


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Received 22 May 2019




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