

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-6-81-89

Stupakova E. V. Measuring errors in the compositional reference materials of gold ore. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2019; 6: 81–89 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-6-81-89

Introduction. Compositional reference materials (RM) of ore and ore products have to comply with the homogeneity of the material. The technology of preparing RM has to ensure the homogeneity of its composition. The homogeneity of the homogenized material is experimentally tested and assessed to be sure that the RM characteristic being certified has similar value in any part of the material or its variation and does not exceed a preset level.
Research methodology. RM inhomogeneity errors are assessed with a method based on multiple measuring of the certified component value in several samples randomly collected from the entire RM with further processing of the measured values. For random evaluation of homogeneity, N number of samples with M0 mass each is collected from the entire RM. Samples are collected after RM is prepared and homogenized. Mass M0 of each sample has to be sufficient to fulfill the specified number of measurements J in accordance with the applied method.
Research results. It has been experimentally proven that the evaluation of inhomogeneity error in compositional reference materials of gold ore in accordance with the layout of the analysis of variance accepted in GOST 8.531-2002 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Reference materials of composition of solid and disperse materials. Ways of homogeneity assessment” results in obtaining inhomogeneity error values which are lower than those of the established homogeneity standard for reference materials. In order to correctly evaluate the inhomogeneity error in accordance with the accepted experimental layout it is necessary to estimate the value of error again taking into account the inhomogeneity errors in 50 g sample weights or estimate the inhomogeneity error in the entire array of the obtained analysis data (N × J). Granulometric composition of the certified reference materials of gold ore,
the utter mass having the size of grains less than 0.050 mm, allows to obtain the values of inhomogeneity errors which are as close as possible to the established standards.

Key words: reference material; homogeneity of reference material; inhomogeneity error.



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Received 27 March 2019



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