Goals and objectives


ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  


The mission of the journal is to support readers' interest in original research and innovative approaches in the field of a set of problems in mining science and mining education, which contribute to the dissemination of the best domestic and foreign scientific achievements and practical achievements in these areas.


development of new knowledge in the field of mining science;
lighting and drawing attention to the complex of urgent problems of mining sciences;
dissemination of information on cutting-edge research in these areas;
providing an opportunity for scientists, teachers, specialists, graduate students to state their vision and ways to solve the current complex of problems in mining science and education;
coverage of the results of research and teaching activities of Russian and foreign experts on a range of topical problems of mining;
exchange of the latest research results in the field of mining and processing of minerals.


provision of pages for the publication of the results of fundamental and applied research in various areas of mining science in all its diversity;
assistance to young scientists in the preparation of high-quality publications on the topical range of problems in mining science;
informing specialists and the public about current trends in the field of research and improvement of technological processes in mining, on issues of economics, ecology, safety, problems of higher education in this industry;
drawing attention to the most relevant promising and interesting areas of scientific research on the subject of the journal;
increasing the accessibility and openness of the magazine in Russia and abroad;
entry into international databases.

THE TARGET AUDIENCE OF THE JOURNAL covers representatives of the expert community, scientists, university teachers, graduate students, students, enterprise specialists interested in the complex of urgent problems of mining science and education.



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