Konovalov V. E., Kolchina N. V., Kolchina M. E. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian
Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article is dedicated to some peculiarities of documents preparation for the state cadastral registration of a mining
enterprise unified immovable complex and its rights registration. The authors fulfilled the analysis of the peculiarities of
composition of plants which develop deposits with underground method, and the analysis of the native legislation
concerning the unified immovable complex. It has been noted that at the modern stage there exist some variant readings
in the interpretation of the given notion as the total of immovable things to which only buildings and structures are referred.
The authors of the article suggest considering the unified immovable complex as the total of capital construction objects
and an estate (or estates) where it (or they) is (are) situated. Consequently the question arises about the composition and
content of the document, which accumulates the whole information about immovable things which constitute the unified
immovable complex. The said document is a map-plan of a unified immovable complex.
Key words: immovable property object; unified immovable complex; mining enterprise; underground mine workings; state
cadastral registration; Unified State Register of Immovable Property; map-plan of a unified immovable complex.
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2. Position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation: state registration of the unified immovable complex is
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ISSN 0536-1028 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 6, 2017 49
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10. Regarding the approval of a form of engineering plan and requirements for its preparation, the content of information
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11. Position of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation: a part of the unified immovable complex is not an
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2016, no. 18-KG16-61. Applicable codes: point 1 rule 130, rule 133.1 CC RF. Access from the legal reference system
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