

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Aleshin D. S., Khalezov B. D., Krasheninin A. G. Molybdenum mineral base. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2019; 7: 113–121 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-7-113-121

Introduction. Molybdenum production is important for Russia’s economic development. About 80% of the produced metal is used in special steel manufacture.
Research aim. Based on the data about reserves, extraction and production of molybdenum, the researches aim is to identify world leaders in the market, show and describe basic molybdenum deposits at the territory and the Russian Federation, analyse production dynamics of molybdenum concentrates and ferromolybdenum within recent years, specifying main manufacturing enterprises in Russia.
Methodology basically included theoretical research methods, particularly review and analysis of various sources of information.
Results. The present article displays brief analytical review of molybdenum world market and indicates main manufacturers of consumers of the concentrate. World leaders in molybdenum reserves are determined. The dynamics of molybdenum concentrates global production is presented for the period from 2012 to 2018. Mineral raw material base is described and main deposits of molybdenum at the territory of Russia are shown. The dynamics of molybdenum concentrate production in 2012–2017 is reflected with the list of manufacturing enterprises. Ferromolybdenum production dynamics is given. Change in molybdenum concentrates and ferromolybdenum import-export is shown.

Key words: molybdenum; molybdenum ores; production; export-import.



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Received 6 June 2019




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