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ISSN 0536-1028 (Print) ISSN 2686-9853 (Online) |
Academic degree: DSc (Geology and Mineralogy)
Position: professor of the Department of Motorways, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia
Research interests: stress-strain state of the geological environment relative to prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, urban areas seismicity assessment; the history of mining in the Urals
Orcid: 0000-0002-8159-6488
• Filatov V. V., Bolotnova L. A. On the genesis of salt structures of the Verkhnekamsk potash salt
deposit. News of the Ural State Mining University. 2024; 1(73): 59–66.
• Filatov V. V., Bolotnova L. A. Mapping the structural and tectonic objects of the Upper-Kama potassium salt deposit in the magnetic field. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal =
Minerals and Mining Engineering. 2023; 2: 96–106 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2023-2-96-106
• Filatov V. V. Confessions of an Enemy of the People. News of the Ural State Mining University. 2023; 2(70): 187–195.
• Filatov V. V. Ivan Herman – citizen of two empires. News of the Ural State Mining University. 2023; 4(72): 181–193.
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