УДК 622.011:539.3 | DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-8-38-46 | Download | ![]() |
Гладырь А. В., Сидляр А. В., Константинов А. В., Ломов М. А. Сравнительный анализ результатов тестирования геофонов системы «Prognoz ADS» в шахтных условиях // Известия вузов. Горный журнал. 2019. № 8. С. 38–46. DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-8-38-46
Introduction. One most dynamically developing method of preventing rockbursts and tectonic rockbursts
is the control of geomechanical state of rockburst hazardous rock mass with the use of the automated
systems which inform of geomechanical and geodynamic processes within the rock mass in real time.
The crucial component of such systems is a distributed observation network of underground digital
receiving transducers.
Research aim is to study the infuence of a particular modifcation of a primary transducer on the accuracy
of determining the values of amplitude, frequency, energy parameter of simulation seismoacoustic efects
and errors in seismoacoustic sources coordinates calculation.
Methodology. Research presented in the article are based on a range of experiments carried out in
Nikolaevsly mine of MMC Dalpolimetal JSC. Results were recorded and processed with Prognoz ADS
seismoacoustic system of rock pressure. Experiment included inducing simulation seismoacoustic impacts
of various origin and various distance from receiving transducers on a rock mass.
Results. The comparison of statistic characteristics of seismoacoustic impact impulses hasn’t revealed
signifcant infuence of primary transducer type on the calculation of the values of coordinated and energy
characteristic of simulation sources.
Summary. The research and conclusion about insignifcant infuence of primary transducer body material
on the characteristics of seismoacoustic signals will make it possible to reduce the prime cost of geophones
manufacture without compromising the quality of signal recording, and direct the resources to
geomechanical safety system expansion and maintenance.
Key words: rockburst hazard; geomechanical monitoring; seismoacoustic activity; acoustic manifestation;
microseismic event; primary transducer.
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Received 19 August 2019