

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Zairov Sh. Sh., Normatova M. Zh. – Navoiy State Mining Institute, Navoiy, Republic of Uzbekistan.
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Construction of blasthole charges of explosives under smoothwall blasting is developed and tested; it allows getting
stable slopes of 20 m long benches with slope angle 60°. It avoids the need for additional walls cutback and increases
the security of works at underlying levels. The efficient parameters of contour blasting which have been developed
provided the creation of the widest screening crack under the given limit of interblock connections ruptured zone power
in a near-slope part of a massif. In order to increase the stability of benches slopes at smoothwall blasting it is necessary
76 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 2, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
to estimate relative power reduction of a zone with ruptured interblock connection in a near-slope part of a massif.
On the basis of the given statements the coefficient of smoothwall blasting efficiency is found for opencast mining.
The investigations have determined that the efficiency of smoothwall blasting increases with the reduction of the massif
with natural and artificial rock jointing weakening.

Key words: drilling and blasting operations; charge construction; smoothwall blasting; benches slopes stability; walls
cutback; screening crack; blockiness; rock jointing.

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