

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Nasirov U. F. - Tas hken t Stat e Technical University, Tashkent, the RepuЬ\ic ofUzbekistan. 
E-mail: unasirov@yande x.ru Тukhtashev А. В. - Navoiy State Mining lnst itute, Navo iy, the
RepuЬ\ic of Uzbekistan. E-mail: a.tukhtashev79 @mail.ru Ochilov Sh. А. - Tashkent State Technical
University, Tashkent , the RepuЬ\ic ofUzbekistan. E-mail: o.s hu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ravshanova М.
Кh. - Navoiy State Mining lnstitute, Navoiy, the RepuЬ\ic of Uzbekistan. E-mai l:
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The article examines the ways of controlling the degree of rock crushing and the destinations,
which allow influencing mechanical effect of rock massif crushing. Kinetic energy has been
determined, which accumulates under the percussive shifl within the volume unit of rock and is
consumed оп the work of breaking. Effective radius of cylindrical and spherical charges at high
benches has been determined. Theoretical investigations determined, that the size of the largest
lump of exploded rock mass under the explosion of douЫe-contiguous downhole charges of explosive а!
high benches is directly proportional to the line of least resistance, symmetry coefficients of
cylindrical charges, and energetic characteristics of explosives; and it is inversely proportional
to the density of loading, charge density, and the circle diameter of douЫe­ contiguous explosive

Кеу words: drilling and Ыasting operations; high bench; methods of Ыasti ng; douЫe-contiguous
downhole charges; degree of crushing; effective radius; spherical charge; cylindrical charge; line
of least resistanc;edensity of loading; charge density; charge diameter.


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