

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Zairov Sh. Sh., Normatova M. Zh., Ravshanova M. Kh. – Navoiy State Mining Institute, Navoiy, the Republic
of Uzbekistan. Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recommendations are worked out over the use of rational parameters of blasting in restrained medium under the use of
emulsion explosives in production. The use of the developed parameters of breakdown and retaining wall helped to
provide the security of rock massif geological structure, increase the coefficient of efficiency for explosives, reduce
preliminary-recovery operations when blasting at a bench, and increase security and capacity of loading – hauling
equipment. Under significant thickness of deposit, the method of discrete blasting of ore and enclosing rock with natural
“screening” is advisable, which consists in the use of advantageous structural-geological and mining-engineering factors
as natural borders of blasting. In order to calculate the width and the height of blasted rock breakdown under downhole
charges explosion with the use of emulsion explosives the formulae are worked out, which include the main parameters,
which determine energetic characteristics of explosives and physical-mechanical properties of rocks.
Key words: drilling and blasting operations; blasting in restrained medium; safety of rock massif geological structure;
retaining wall height; retaining wall width; discrete blasting of ore; structural-geological factors; mining-engineering
factors; emulsion explosives.
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2. Norov Iu. D., Zairov Sh. Sh. Metodika opredeleniia optimal'nykh parametrov podpornoi stenki pri vzryve s uchetom
energii zariada emul'sionnykh vzryvchatykh veshchestv [Method of determining optimal parameters of retaining wall
when blasting with the account of emulsion explosives charge energy]. Navoiy, NSMI Publ., 2015. 33 p.
3. Norov Iu. D., Zairov Sh. Sh. [Control over the breakdown of rocks with the account of emulsion explosives charge
energy]. Gornyi vestnik Uzbekistana – Mining News of Uzbekistan, 2015, no. 4, pp. 23–29. (In Russ.)
4. Norov Iu. D., Zairov Sh. Sh., Khaidarov O. B., Rustamov O. I. [Control over the breakdown of rocks with the account
of emulsion explosives charge energy]. Gornyi vestnik Uzbekistana – Mining News of Uzbekistan, 2016, no. 1,
pp. 16–19. (In Russ.)
5. Zairov Sh. Sh., Ravshanova M. Kh., Khaidarov O. B., Rustamov O. I. [Determination of efficient parameters of
blasting in “restrained medium” with the account of emulsion explosives charge energy parameters]. Gornyi vestnik
Uzbekistana – Mining News of Uzbekistan, 2016, no. 2, pp. 12–16. (In Russ.)
6. Zairov Sh. Sh., Tursunova I. N. [Dust suppression efficiency increase and explosives energy coefficient of efficiency
increase under bulk explosions in open pits]. Gornyi vestnik Uzbekistana – Mining News of Uzbekistan, 2015, no. 4,
pp. 31–34. (In Russ.)
7. Zairov Sh. Sh. [Development of the method of reducing gas and dust emission under bulk explosions in open pits].
Vzryvnoe delo – Blasting Work, 2015, no. 114/71, pp. 202–210. (In Russ.)



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