Razovskii Iu. V., Ruban M. S. – Moscow Witte University, Moscow, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. In the arctic bowels of the Russian Federation the main reserves of the range of important minerals are concentrated.
Based on the theory of natural resource rent and the common principle of its classification (according to the source of
formation), the classification of the arctic rent is composed, including mineral and raw materials (mining), copper-nickel,
and other varieties. This creates a theoretical basis for the development of a sequence of assessment and taxation of the
arctic rent. The methodology for monetary valuation of differential mining rent is developed, which is defined as excess
profit. It is designed for the conditions of copper-nickel ore arctic mining and takes into account specific regional "northern"
risks of non-ferrous and other metals production. Effective development of non-ferrous metals in the Arctic and the
formation of the arctic rent are considered by the example of OJSC "MMC "Norilsk Nickel".
Key words: natural rent classification; the Arctic; arctic rent; excess profit; assessment methodology; economic potential.
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