Balek A. E., Efremov E. Iu. – The Institute of Mining, UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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The results of the research of “Udachnaya pipe” rock massif (western Sakha) stress-strained state are presented; the massif is developed by “Udachnyi” mine Alrosa PJSC with the use of opencast and underground mining. The field ISSN 0536-1028 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 5, 2017 45 measurement of the rock massif deformations has not determined any significant tectonic component of stress-strained state, but they fixed periodic reversal oscillations of horizontal stresses of rock massif enclosing the pit, which took place within 2000–2014 (with the period of 1 year and less). The amplitudes of the oscillations are commensurate to trend shifts of the massif, which are conditioned on its elastic deformations caused by open pit mining and approximately equal to ±20 mm. This factor determines 30–60% of underground mine workings edge rock massif “original” stress condition variability. It should be considered when solving the problems of geomechanical maintenance of mining.
Key words: field measurement; rock massif; stress-strained state; underground mine workings; drivage.
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