Kolchina M. E. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article is dedicated to the necessity of engineering assessment of capital construction objects, including buildings and
structures of mining complex. The main definitions and concepts are specified; the significance of engineering assessment
and capital construction objects older than 2013 inventory is revealed. The author gives detailed substantiation of the
necessity of engineering assessment of buildings at the present day as well, as a basis for management decisions
regarding their restoration (major repairs), development (reconstruction) or demolition, as a basis for the determination of
their market, cadastral, investment, and liquidation value. The article reveals the purpose of engineering examination
of buildings, the main stages and technologies of assessments, including visual and instrumental inspection. It is indicated
that standard technologies of engineering assessment of surface constructions are not suitable for the assessment of
such structures as underground mine workings.
Key words: capital construction objects; buildings; structures; immovable property registration; physical wear; engineering
assessment; market value; cadastral value; major repairs; reconstruction; underground mine workings.
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78 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 6, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
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