Zobnin B. B., Borovkov V. A. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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Together with electric power pneumatic energy is widely used in mining industry. Compressed air is produced at
compressor stations. At that, mining compressor installations is the equipment with the highest electric capacity.
To acquire the global goal, that is to reduce specific charge of resources for the production of compressed air within
the accounting period, it is necessary to manage the operation and the development of mining compressor installations
in a way that can prevent the development of emergencies. The total cost in each element of the system includes
equipment purchase cost, specific operational costs, loss conditioned by the lack of compressed air with the consumer,
100 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 6, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
and eco-economic loss. The article substantiates the criteria for resources expenses reduction for the production of
compressed air within the accounting period. To special criteria refer: the reliability of providing the required pressure of
the compressed air in the points of the net consumption, specific electric energy consumption for the production of
compressed air, total costs for the production of compressed air, and the minimization of the overall time of compressors
use. The investigation of special criteria interdependence makes it possible to acquire the allowable and Pareto optimal
solution sets. Management strategy which determines the introduction of new energies to produce the compressed air
represents multivariable problem of non-linear discrete programing.
Key words: mining compressor installations; development management; resources expenses reduction; allowable
solution set; Pareto optimal solution set.
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