

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Zharikov S. N. – The Institute of Mining, the Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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The article raises the question of the interrelation between the processes of mineral production. Production cycles are
considered in the relationship with their energy characteristics with regard to excavation in the face in time. The article
86 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 7, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
analyzes previously published materials on the establishment of the relationship between the processes of drilling and
explosive rock mass destruction. The article considers energy characteristics of excavation in conjunction with explosive
destruction; the approach is proposed to the determination of relation of excavation and loading of rock mass in the
vehicles; promising direction of exploring technological ties is identified. The results of the analysis of modeled operation
of some rope crawler excavators of different capacity of the bucket when working in one cut are introduced. It is shown
that the energy content of explosive destruction and the energy content of excavation are characteristically connected
with the face displacement velocity. At that the total energy content of explosive destruction and excavation decreases
with the increase of the face displacement velocity. The latter indicates the fact that increase in the intensity of excavation
in the quarry leads to the reduction of energy consumption for the processes.

Key words: rock destruction; energy content of excavation; drilling and blasting operations; the interrelation between the processes of mineral production; opencast mining.

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