Gevalo K. V. The review of the hydraulic borehole mining technology for development of deep-seated buried and watered placer deposits. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2019; 7: 53–59 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028- 2019-7-53-59
Introduction. Today, a large part of the placer gold deposits in the Far East is concentrated in the depths of buried and concealed placers. The hydraulic borehole mining method allows to develop deep and heavily watered marginal fields, the exploitation of which by the open-pit or underground methods is economically unsound. Extraction of minerals by the hydraulic borehole mining method is based on transformation of a developed rock mass into a hydraulic mixture in place by hydromechanical impact and its transportation to the surface in the form of a pulp through pipes. Research aims. To justify the possibility of applying the hydraulic borehole mining method in development of deep-seated buried and watered placer deposits of the Far East on the basis of scientific discoveries and practical experience of Russian scientists and manufacturers.
Research methods. The methods of systematization, comparative, component and system analysis were used in course of the research.
Results. The carried-out analysis testified that there are considerable placer gold deposits in the Russian Far East, which are in buried and watered placers, the exploitation of which under current conditions is unprofitable. The hydraulic borehole mining method, which will allow to develop such fields with low operational costs, high productivity, low environmental impact, is proposed.
Conclusions. The hydraulic borehole mining method will allow to significantly increase the gold extraction volume due to involvement of deep-seated and watered placers into exploitation, the development of which was considered to be unprofitable earlier and, along with this, to significantly reduce the extraction cost and capital investment level.
Key words: hydraulic borehole mining; placer gold deposits; deep-seated deposits; development technology; watered deposits.
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Received 7 May 2019