Introduction. Problems of important subsoil use facilities safe placement and operation are extremely
topical. Safe operation of any facility depends not only on its constructive features but also on reliable and
justified estimation of effects which occur in the terrestrial environment, i.e. in the rock massif. Current
geodynamic movements are among the factors which determine stress-strained state of a massif. However,
special research aimed at determination and assessment of the geodynamic movements failed to find
proper reflection in especially important facilities design and construction. Normative base imperfection
and difficulties in taking into account space-time distribution of geodynamic movements parameters are
the main reasons for the absence of rock massif geodynamic diagnostics methodology suitable for largescale
implementation in the practice of engineering researches.
Research aim is to investigate deformations distribution as a basic parameter determining the state of a
facility conditioned on current geodynamic movements in a hierarchically blocky rock massif at various
space-time levels to improve the methodology of taking into account geodynamic factors when selecting
safe placement areas.
Research methodology. The researches used the results of geodetic monitoring of trend and cyclic shortperiod
geodynamic movements obtained at the local geodynamic polygons at bases from dozens of meters
up to 25 km, as well as the data from constantly operating stations of global navigation satellite system at
the territory of 70 x 90 km. For various space-time measurement bases, geodynamic movements
deformation parameters were calculated, deformation fields were built.
Results. According to the data of repeated geodetic measurements at bases from dozens of meters up to
90 km for a time period of several hours up to 40 years, dependences of relative deformations modulus on
bench mark interval length were determined. On the basis of the dependences deformation maximum
values are obtained which can be used as critical deformation criteria when investigating the territories of
various area and selecting monitoring network parameters. When comparing deformation parameters
of trend and short-period movements of one and the same bench marks of observation networks,
the correlation in the principal tensor axes orientation was determined calculated according to the data of
measurements for an extended period of time and for a day’s session of continuous measurements with
measurement discrete time of 10–20 min.
Results application area. The determined regularity can be used for express-diagnostics of stress-strained
state of a massif in a short period of time according to the results of continuous short-period movements
Conclusions. The acquired results make it possible to increase rock massif state assessments reliability
according to the geodynamic factor when selecting important subsoil use facilities safe placement areas.
Key words: current geodynamic movements; important subsoil use facilities; nuclear power plant;
hierarchically blocky massif; self-organization; deformation; geodynamic diagnostics.
DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2018-6-6-17
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Information about authors
Konovalova Iuliia Pavlovna – researcher of the Laboratory of Rocks Displacement, Institute of Mining,
UB RAS. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.