ISSN 0536-1028 (Print) ISSN 2686-9853 (Online) |
Nasirov U. F. - Tas hken t Stat e Technical University, Tashkent, the RepuЬ\ic ofUzbekistan.
E-mail: unasirov@yande x.ru Тukhtashev А. В. - Navoiy State Mining lnst itute, Navo iy, the
RepuЬ\ic of Uzbekistan. E-mail: a.tukhtashev79 @mail.ru Ochilov Sh. А. - Tashkent State Technical
University, Tashkent , the RepuЬ\ic ofUzbekistan. E-mail: o.s hu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ravshanova М.
Кh. - Navoiy State Mining lnstitute, Navoiy, the RepuЬ\ic of Uzbekistan. E-mai l:
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The article examines the ways of controlling the degree of rock crushing and the destinations,
which allow influencing mechanical effect of rock massif crushing. Kinetic energy has been
determined, which accumulates under the percussive shifl within the volume unit of rock and is
consumed оп the work of breaking. Effective radius of cylindrical and spherical charges at high
benches has been determined. Theoretical investigations determined, that the size of the largest
lump of exploded rock mass under the explosion of douЫe-contiguous downhole charges of explosive а!
high benches is directly proportional to the line of least resistance, symmetry coefficients of
cylindrical charges, and energetic characteristics of explosives; and it is inversely proportional
to the density of loading, charge density, and the circle diameter of douЫe contiguous explosive
Кеу words: drilling and Ыasting operations; high bench; methods of Ыasti ng; douЫe-contiguous
downhole charges; degree of crushing; effective radius; spherical charge; cylindrical charge; line
of least resistanc;edensity of loading; charge density; charge diameter.
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2. Norov lu. D., Shemetov Р. А., Zairov Sh. Sh., Tukhtashev А. В. Sovershenstvovanie metodov
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methods of controlling rock crushing Ьу means ofЬ\ast"]. Bukhara, Bukhoro РuЫ., 2011. 200 р.
3. Shemetov Р. А., Nasirov U. F., Ochilov Sh. А. [Analysis of the technologi cal sc heme of
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Gornyi zhurnal - News of the Higher ln stitutions. MiningJournal, 2015, по. 1 , рр. 23- 27.
(Tn Russ.)
4. Bibik 1. Р., Uma rov F. la., Ochilov Sh. А. [Resource-saving technolog ies of rock Ыasting
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7. Nasirov U. F., Umarov F. Та. [ Calculation of contiguous downhole charges under preli
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Bulletin of Uzbekistan , 2016, по. 2, рр. 16- 20. (l n Russ.)
8. Nasirov U. F. [Development of gas ЬuЬЬ\е in artificially sunken l ine ar pin-point Ыasting ch
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(scientific and technical journal), 2010, по. 6, рр. 50-52. (Tn Russ.)
Dyrdin V. V., Fofanov A. A., Smirnov V. G., Diagileva A. V. – Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo,
the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deformations of the main roof near the face of stope are examined with the account of torque, which develops because of a piece
of the main roof hanging over the mined-out area and affecting the marginal zone of the coal bed and enclosing rocks. The shape
of curvature of the piece of the main roof hanging over the mined-out area is calculated, together with the profile of the main roof
deformation in the marginal zone of the coal bed in front of the face of stope. It is shown that in front of the zone of stresses
concentration there may appear the zone, where the shifts of the main roof are directed upward, i.e. they are opposite to the shifts
of the hanging end of the main roof, which is determined by the torque of forces. There appears the zone of unloading, where
together with the other factors, such as gas content and local disturbance of a coal bed, the generation of “gas pocket” is
possible – the zone with increased possibility of hazardous gas-dynamic phenomena development. The present estimations
allow detecting the location of the given area, as well as the size of the additional unloading within it.
Key words: methane of coal beds; difficult-to-control roof; modeling; elastic deformations; gas-dynamic phenomena; gas
content; marginal zone.
1. Glushikhin F. P. Trudnoupravliaemye krovli v ochistnykh zaboiakh [Difficult-to-control roofs in stopes]. Moscow,
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3. Dyrdin V. V., Smirnov V. G., Fofanov A. A. [The influence of torque of the main roof hanging piece on the marginal
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Kolesnikova L. A., Filin A. E. – National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, the Russian Federation.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Current industrial development presupposes application of high-capacity machines, equipment, workflows control and
tracking systems, workflow parameters control; it raises the portion of psychological impacts on workers and requires the
realization of human higher psychical functions – memory, thinking, attention, fast error-free decision making, right
reactions on any kind of information. At modern mining enterprises more than half of all emergencies happens because
of workers wrong actions, which are connected with failure of psychophysiological regularities of their activity and
behavior. The article examines psychological aspects of human safety in the sphere of labour protection; main reasons
for emergencies in mining industry are revealed, which lead to human wrong actions; the problems of collective
psychology, inactive and non-critical thinking and their influence on the quantity of emergencies at mining enterprises in
the Russian Federation.
Key words: labour protection; human safety; psychological stability; emergency; safety rules observance.
32 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 4, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
1. Bezopasnost' zhiznedeiatel'nosti: ucheb. posobie. Pod obshch. red. N. K. Demika [School book “Civil protection”.
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2. Filin A. E. [Psychology as a means of reducing risks of industrial traumatism]. Elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal –
Electronic Scientific Journal, 2016, no. 9(12), pp. 279–282. (In Russ.)
3. Filin A. E. [Prospects of protection in mining industry]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal – News
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4. Kolesnikova L. A. [Analysis of basic methods of industrial labour safety estimation]. Nauka i obrazovanie: problemy
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Vikulov V. M., Kornilkov M. V., Polovov B. D. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Imitation modeling program algorithm is in the basis of foundation ditch fencing wall anchor support construction
calculation; the program fulfi lls quantitative estimation of reliability and risk of underground facilities construction.
The main estimation method is simulation testing according to Monte Carlo method, which is realized in the mode of automated
application program and test fi les in QBasic programming language. On this basis, machine oriented procedure of fl exible
retaining constructions design has been worked out, which helps to make effi cient probability analysis of loads upon the
bearing construction, sliding surface locations and anchor supporting nodes stability. Risk degree determination when
designing stable fl exible retaining constructions of foundation ditches for urban underground constructions which are built
with opencast mining method is extremely topical issue. Evident way of the said problem solution is formalization of riskanalysis, which includes the development of geotechnical situation modeling method by average values of input data.
Key words: anchor support; ascending anchor; simulation test; model; sliding line; risk degree; soil pressure.
40 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 4, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
1. Polovov B. D., Kornilkov M. V., Poddubnyi V. V. Obosnovanie inzhenernykh reshenii po effektivnomu osvoeniiu
podzemnogo prostranstva krupneishikh i krupnykh gorodov: nauch. monografiia [Substantiation of engineering solution
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UrSMU Publ., 2008. 377 p.
2. Polovov B. D., Valiev N. G., Kokarev K. V. [Geomechanical analysis of mining units on basis of nonparametric
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Journal, 2016, no. 1, pp. 66–74. (In Russ.)
3. Vikulov V. M., Kornilkov M. V., Zoteev O. V. [Foundation pit anchor support design efficiency improvement under
the construction of subsoil constructions]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal – News of the Higher
Institutions. Mining Journal, 2017, no. 1, pp. 62–70. (In Russ.)
Lebedev Iu. V., Lebedeva T. A., Kokovin P. A., Aref'ev S. A. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg,
the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article examines the problems of sustainable land use in industrial regions; system of notions about land in the
sphere of sustainable land use is introduced. The methodology of sustainable land use is examined on the basis of
maintaining required level of biotic environmental control, hierarchy of control levels of sustainable land use (conceptual,
ideological, political, and economic) and scientific-technological principles of sustainable land use in industrial
regions. The principles include the substantiation of strategic priorities and indicators of sustainable land use in industrial regions;
complex (ecological-economic) estimation of land resources with the account of industrial production peculiarities;
determination of “corridors” of allowable land use in industrial regions; co-ordination of individual interests of land users
with social preferences; multicriterion optimization of land use on the basis of ecological-economic and social indicators.
The examined interdisciplinary approach with the use of strict mathematical formalization of social-ecological-economic
processes in the sphere of land use will help to take into account modern challenges, reduce risks, and mitigate the
consequences of negative situations.
Key words: sustainable land use; systems of notions about land; biotic environmental regulation; hierarchy of land use
control; strategic priorities and indicators; complex estimation; allowable “corridors” of land use; individual interests; social
preferences; multicriterion optimization.
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