ISSN 0536-1028 (Print) ISSN 2686-9853 (Online) |
Tauger V. M., Kazakov Iu. M., Volkov E. B., Kozhevnikov a. o. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Today the most perspective type of minerals transportation to the surface is a skip pipeline pneumatic elevator, where
containers in the shape of cylindrical capsules move along the smooth pipes at high speed. On the capacity equal to
the cable ways, pneumatic elevator possesses lower prime cost and allows significantly reducing costs for shaft sinking,
construction of pithead buildings and structures. In two-pipe installation one pipeline is designed to ascent, the other – to
descent skips. Mathematical model including the equations of loaded and unloaded containers kinematics is required to
design the systems of skip pneumatic elevator. Special interest is attracted by the functions of speed and acceleration
of the container which descends down the pipeline under its own weight. A body moving in gaseous medium creates a
zone of increased pressure, the value of which depends on the speed of the body and the speed of pulse propagation
in the medium. Based on the assumptions of continuum mechanics, theoretical dependences are acquired for speed,
acceleration, and displacement of a skip in the period of its sinking in descending pipeline. It has been stated that
kinematics of unloaded skip differs significantly from free fall. Estimative calculations have been fulfilled towards
the particular values of the mass of the container and the diameter of the pipeline. The formula has been worked out
for the value towards which the speed of the container asymptotically verges. Curves have been built, which illustrate
behavior in time of acceleration, speed, and displacement of “falling” skip.
Key words: shaft; skip; main ascent; pneumatic elevator; pipeline; kinematics; aerodynamics.
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6. Tauger V. M., Kholodnikov Iu. V., Al'shits L. A. Progressivnye tekhnologii proizvodstva kompozitnykh izdelii
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Kazakhstan. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Teliman I. V. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
Artemova A. A. – Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
New economic conditions lead to an expansion in the use of program-driven manipulators. Their constructive schemes
should meet the principles of universal designs, modeling and design methods in 3D. An example of calculation and
visualization of power and design parameters based by the example of table processors is considered. This makes it
possible to explore the features of the manipulators and the possibility of their testing with the typical software based on
Adams. The peculiarities of calculation of parameters for providing a given trajectory with the positioning of the construction
carried by the manipulator are revealed. And the results confirming the possibility of creating universal designs are
obtained. The peculiarities of the stress-strain state of power hydraulic cylinders and the formation of asymmetric contact
zones at the collar bush and piston are studied at work with eccentricity, which will allow solving a number of problems of
designing manipulators for difficult-extracting mineral deposits development systems.
Key words: manipulator; hydraulic cylinder; equilibrium equations; contact pressures.
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ISSN 0536-1028 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 7, 2017 95
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6. Beisembaev K. M., Demin V. F., Zholdybaeva G. S., and others. Avtoproektirovanie gornykh mashin v 3D: proektnomodel'nyi
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Norov Iu. D. – Navoiy Mining and Metallurgical Combinat, Navoiy, the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zairov Sh. Sh., Nutfulloev G. S., Tadzhiev Sh. T., Ravshanova M. Kh. – Navoiy State Mining Institute, Navoiy,
the Republic of Uzbekistan. Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The construction of a deep-hole charge of explosives with the use of cumulative effect is worked out, which helps to
reduce the bench toe and expenses for drilling and blasting operations. The position in the bottom part of the well of
cumulative shell-hole influences the intensity of rock blasting destruction. Efficient parameters of a cumulative shell-hole
in the construction of the deep-hole charge of explosive are determined. It is suggested to use a lens inside the charge
of explosive over the conical coating. The lens increases the coefficient of efficiency of the charge; it turns the denotation
wave towards the shell-hole. Without a lens, the shell-hole is pressed out by the detonation wave, and with a lens – by
the incident wave. Numeric modeling of the activity of the charge of explosive with cumulative effect is fulfilled in bidimensional
position with the use of Euler and combined Euler-Lagrange finite difference algorithms. The potential and
physical peculiarities are determined for the cumulative charge operation at different focal distances with the rock of finite
thickness, and the comparison of calculation results over the two different models with experimental data.
Key words: well; construction; explosive charge; cumulative effect; bench toe; perforation depth; cumulative coating
height; detonation wave activity; numerical modeling; Euler and Euler-Lagrange finite difference algorithms.
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Zharikov S. N. – The Institute of Mining, the Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article raises the question of the interrelation between the processes of mineral production. Production cycles are
considered in the relationship with their energy characteristics with regard to excavation in the face in time. The article
86 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 7, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
analyzes previously published materials on the establishment of the relationship between the processes of drilling and
explosive rock mass destruction. The article considers energy characteristics of excavation in conjunction with explosive
destruction; the approach is proposed to the determination of relation of excavation and loading of rock mass in the
vehicles; promising direction of exploring technological ties is identified. The results of the analysis of modeled operation
of some rope crawler excavators of different capacity of the bucket when working in one cut are introduced. It is shown
that the energy content of explosive destruction and the energy content of excavation are characteristically connected
with the face displacement velocity. At that the total energy content of explosive destruction and excavation decreases
with the increase of the face displacement velocity. The latter indicates the fact that increase in the intensity of excavation
in the quarry leads to the reduction of energy consumption for the processes.
Key words: rock destruction; energy content of excavation; drilling and blasting operations; the interrelation between the processes of mineral production; opencast mining.
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Tagil'tsev S. N., Kibanova T. N. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Geodynamic (tectonic) stress state of the upper part of the earth crust is manifested by the presence of the main normal
stresses, which, as a rule, exceed geostatic stresses from the rock weight. Extension zones form sections with the lower
bearing capacities in geological strata. From the perspective of hydrogeology, sections of extension are the most waterbearing;
they contribute to the formation of high filtration properties at the local section of rock massif. In the Urals, in case
of shears intersecting, extension zones usually occur in the northern and southern sectors, whereas the compression
zones, correspondingly, in the western and eastern sectors. In the field of modern tectonic stresses under the intersection
of multidirectional faults and the faults of various kinematic type, the zones of extension and compression may occur,
which should be studied to estimate the safety of the buildings and structures construction and exploitation, as well as to
search for the sections with higher filtration properties in rock massif for water supply. Modern fulfillment of the complex of
geophysical, geodetic, and hydrogeomechanical investigations at the stage of pioneering or at the initial operating period,
makes it possible to reveal the reasons for the possible deformations and, perhaps, save a building from destruction.
Key words: hydrogeomechanical structures; extension zones; compression zones; deformation of a building.
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